Very influential training on UNSCR 1325 within the Iraqi police: Protection and Prevention of Violence against Women with Elbarlament organization within the project Women Talking Peace
Funded by Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). the training took place in the Criminal Investigation Center- at the Training and Qualification Directorate in the Ministry of Interior- Baghdad, Iraq. January 30- February 2, 2022.
three-days training workshop on UNSCR 1325 within the Iraqi Police: “Protection and Prevention of Violence against Women”. The workshop raises awareness on the importance of resolution 1325, and women and peace and security agenda. It trains the participants on the development of implementation plans for the resolution including the review of the draft national plan of action, for feedback. The training focuses primarily on the UNSCR1325 pillars of protection and prevention with regard to female survivors of violence.
The workshop was based on a rights Based approach; it aims to enhance participants’ knowledge on UNSCR1325 and the National Action Plan to implement and monitor UNSCR1325. It equips participants with relevant skills and competencies in order to be able to pursue and implement gender-sensitive policies and behavior within the Iraqi police sector.
The workshop discusses the Women, Peace, and Security agenda and links it to the sustainable development agenda. Moreover, the sessions discuss the National Action plan, and ways to support it.
The workshop allows for the exchange of views to find new formulas to enable the protection of women and prevention from Gender-based Violence aiming to advance her participation in peacebuilding and in the development of the country. It also discusses major gaps and challenges faced by women, especially in conflict areas, and the foundations for gender equality and equity and its linkage to resolution 1325.