Social Survey of Youth in Basra, Iraq
This study was published by AlFiedaws Organization, UN Women and Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund to deep dive into the Violent extremism that has threatened the principles of peace and security, human rights, and is considered as one of the main obstacles to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Although no reason may be invoked to justify violent extremism, it does not arise out of a vacuum. The fragile environment nourishes and deepens violent extremism. The high rate of internal conflicts helps create favorable conditions for the spread of violent extremism as a fundamental social problem, accompanied by unemployment.
Youth in general suffer from a general scene of frustration, fear, insecurity and marginalization, and women and young girls in particular suffer from difficulties, obstacles and factors related to their economic, societal and cultural challenges. In the absence of their inclusion in planning, implementing and formulating the vision of their societies, youth expressed their disappointment and felt excluded.
This study helps to understand the youth challenges based on empirical evidenced based data, which highlight the shrinking of public space to the multiple forms of inequality, unemployment and exclusion. This study was based on a comprehensive survey that provides a database to crystallize the role of youth in achieving the goals of sustainable development 2030 and their role in building the peace process and achieving security in accordance with Security Council resolution (2250) on (Youth, Peace and Security).
1200 young people were surveyed in Basra and its suburbs. The findings of this study were submitted to research institutions, key actors, and decision-makers at the international and national levels.
Download the comprehensive survey