Min Haqqiha - LOUDER
won the iValues policy award at the regional iValues competition!
We’re excited and honored to announce that LOUDER the iValues policy award, at the iValues competition! The iValues award, sponsored by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation MENA, seeks to transform values into actions and improve politics and policy making in the Middle East and North Africa region.
The iValues competition is an opportunity to connect innovators, civil society activists, start-ups, and (social) entrepreneurs to policy makers from the MENA Region and Europe, and a chance to support the transnational and emerging civil society in influencing and/or contributing to the process of policy design in a post-pandemic era.
In 2021 Friedrich Naumann Foundation MENA announced the iValues competition, to support and encourage entrepreneurs in the region to make a meaningful impact across various sectors. five winners in five different categories were awarded and given a chance to execute their planIValues, a competition that seeks to transform values into actions and improve politics and policy making in the MENA region, held its awards ceremony in Amman.
Among 260 projects were submitted to the I values competition from 11 different countries m( Algeria, Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and the Gulf countries). Only 25 competition finalists had the chance to engage with professional jurors from the MENA region and policy makers from both the MENA and the EU.
Participants tried to find solutions to the challenges raised by the circumstances imposed by the spread of COVID-19, such as threats against democracy, gaps in the health and education systems, market and economic deficiencies and threats against transparency and good governance.
I Values Categories are: Quality of Life, Economy and Jobs, Democracy and Community, Regional Development, and Human Rights
Only five winners in each categories were awarded and wll be given a chance to execute their plan.
I Valued Evaluation Criteria are iNnovation, Participation, and sustainability

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Dr. Khouloud Al-Khatib received the award on the behalf of LOUDER for Min Haqqiha mobile application in Human Rights and
The winner for Quality of Life was MarthaEdu
The winner for the Economy and Jobs, was The Lotus Flower
The iValues award for Democracy and Community was received by CCI Boost
The winner of the iValues award for Regional Development was Robin Food.

"سَنَدِك" في الأردن و"من حقها" في لبنان… حلول مبتكرة لتعزيز حقوق النساء وحمايتهنّ

شريكة ولكن
“من حقها”.. تطبيق إلكتروني يساهم في رفع وعي النساء حول حقوقهن