Beirut, Lebanon

Facilitator in development of National Action Plan for Prevention Violent Extremism Strategy

Worked as a facilitator in developing a national action plan for National Strategy of preventing violent extremism at the PVE unit at the Lebanese Council of ministers- Grand Saraille.

The strategy development process, action planning, and efforts for mainstreaming PVE in Lebanon are coordinated by a National PVE Coordination Unit established under the Presidency of the Council of Ministers

9 pillars were designed to develop a National Action Plan for Prevention Violent Extremism that includes Legislative, executive, judicial, military and security forces, and CSOs stakeholders in Lebanon.

The development of the action plan comes at a time of social transformation in which Lebanon needs to support and consolidate trust among its various components and institutions. This trust is the cornerstone that would allow the country to overcome all economic, social and security challenges and to build a safe, knowledge-based society, thereby preventing the growth of the seeds of extremism in all its forms.

The Strategy is based on the following 9 pillars

  1.  Dialogue and Conflict Prevention
  2.  The promotion of Good Governance
  3.  Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law
  4.  Urban/rural Development and Engaging Local Communities
  5.  Gender Equality and Empowering Women
  6.  Education, Training, and Skills development
  7.  Economic Development and Job Creation
  8.  Strategic Communications, Informatics and Social Media
  9.  Empowering Youth

For each pillar, two-day workshops were organized in the Grand Serialle, where more than representatives from the public and private sector came together in consultation event to develop a national action plan to prevent violent extremism.