Gender-based violence won’t end until we fight the problem, and speak out loudly without fear.
Nothing more powerful and inspirational than starting the workshop by sharing our personal stories. Participants find their voices when they tell their stories that reflect the domestic violence they have lived through or witnessed. In Iraq, the Ministry of Interior monitored more than 5000 domestic violence cases in the first six months of 2020.
I had the pride to lead an International advocacy workshop that was conducted for six days collaborating with the previous continuous efforts of the AlAmal organization to advocate towards the legislation of a national law that combats domestic violence. Global and MENA campaigns were analyzed. International UN mechanisms where highlighted, diplomatic channels, International media, joining international campaigns of violence against women, etc….
Critical Thinking was addressed to justify Planning Methodology based on these logical questions such as
- What do we want?
- Who has the decision-making power?
- What do we need to do to convince the targeted decision-maker?
- How will we know if our strategy is working?
Advocacy strategies were drawn and a national action plan is running now over more than five governorates in Iraq.
The training was organized by Al Amal Organization in Erbil, in December 2020.