November- December 2020
Virtual Online Training 

International Human Rights mechanism MENA

With virtual reality, interactive presentations, we challenged the inability of meeting face to face with an online training program that supported interactivity.

I Had the pleasure to collaborate with my colleagues “Kamal Mashreki”  and “Nazar Abdel Qader ” in training several participants who Came from different countries in the MENA region. The training was organized by Friedrich-Ebert- Stiftung, Amman, and Geneva Institute for Human Rights.

Starting from their Perceptions & expressions on Human Rights, participants were introduced to the basic principles, characteristics, and international standards to defend human rights. The training also included information on Human Rights International Conventions, Human Rights United Nations system, Contractual (Mechanism of Treaty bodies) and non-contractual Human Rights Mechanisms (Universal Periodic Review and Special Procedures). Participants had a virtual tour on how to access Human Rights information and reports through the website.

Sponsored by the Friedrich-Ebert- Stiftung, Amman, we seeked to stimulate scholarly work in the 2020 competition “Human Rights and UN Mechanisms”. Participants prepared inspiring articles on human rights and were evaluated based on objective and scientific appraisal.

I’m honored to be one of the members of the evaluative committee who reviewed the articles that announced the 2020  winners.