From Regional Consultation, into national, followed by national Legal study, then a regional report on the status co of the Right of Freedom and Civic Space in the MENA region.
I am delighted to collaborate with Article 19, MENA Regional office In the regional consultation that took place in Tunisia, December 2019 with the presence of participants interested in issues related to freedom of association are invited, including lawyers, researchers, human rights defenders, and civil society organizations. Targeted countries were: Tunisia, Lebanon, Morocco, Algeria, and Egypt.
This regional consultation was followed by a national focus group in Lebanon. It was my pleasure to establish a legal study reflecting on the legal and actual situation of the freedom of association in Lebanon. The legal study highlighted the diagnosis of the legal framework for freedom of association and related rights and freedoms, and analyzed the legal and factual status of freedom of association, with some recommendations to overcome legal and factual obstacles to the effective exercise of freedom of association.