Beirut, Lebanon

Sensitive Media Coverage and Gender-Based Violence

Worldwide, violence against women (VAW) constitutes a serious violation of human rights and an unacceptable threat to women.

How we can advance women’s rights and gender equality without discriminatory stereotypes?

How we can guarantee appropriate news coverage regarding violence against women?

These important questions were the opening statements of my training to journalists to emphasize their role in eliminating discrimination against women and encourage them to take responsibility and cover cases related to Gender-Based Violence- GBV.

I had a valuable discussion with 25 journalists, enriched in the do’s and don’ts of reporting on violence against women, credible and well-investigated sources, details that should be published, and interpretation of the international conventions and 1325 resolution. Covering future gender-based and domestic violence cases urges Journalists to be aware of how responsible, gender-sensitive reporting on gender-based violence can significantly contribute to social cohesion.

The training was organized by Fe-Male | Feminist Collective, LOUDER VOICES FOR FEMINIST CHANGE